'I Love NY' Campaign Returns

For the first time ever, the State has asked New Yorkers and visitors to help remake the "I Love NY" logo by submitting personal sketches depicting what they love about New York State. The "I Love NY" logo has not been used in television ads in over three years.
The ads feature destinations in all regions of the state. After years of cuts to tourism promotion, this ad campaign fulfills Governor Cuomo’s campaign promise to support tourism across the state this year. Visit www.iloveny.com to explore the new campaign and watch the ads.
"Tourism is vital to the economy of our state, supporting nearly 500,000 jobs and generating tens of billions of dollars in revenues for the state and businesses," Governor Cuomo said. "This campaign reinvents one of our state's great assets – the 'I Love NY' icon – which is known the world over as one of the most successful advertising symbols ever. This campaign brings that icon to life in order to highlight all of the things people love about New York."
The New York State Division of Marketing, Advertising and Tourism, which is part of Empire State Development (ESD), together with BBDO Advertising, developed the summer advertising campaign asking New Yorkers as well as out-of-state visitors to share their most meaningful travel experiences in the state by sketching what they love about the state’s vacation destinations.
Ken Adams, President and CEO of Empire State Development, said, "Governor Cuomo knows that tourism is a critical economic engine for our state. It is now the 5th largest employer in the state and growing. There’s never a shortage of passion about New York, and now, we’re putting that passion where it belongs – into the heart of New York and its tourism industry. Governor Cuomo has restored the confidence in, pride for and reputation of New York on a national and international level. Today’s launch of the new 'I Love NY' marketing campaign is yet another thing for all New Yorkers to be proud of."
David Lubars, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer of BBDO North America, said, " 'I Love NY' hadn't been used on TV in more than three years. Under Governor Cuomo's leadership, we took that one-of-a-kind icon and made it even more dynamic in order to match the dynamism and diversity of New York. By asking the public to sketch what they love most about New York, we are demonstrating that New York state is an amazing place with so much for everyone to love – events, locations, icons, and activities. The drawings will be the cornerstone of this campaign as we help grow New York's tourism industry throughout the state. On behalf of BBDO, I thank Governor Cuomo for the opportunity to be part of this campaign."
People can replace the heart in the iconic "I [HEART] NY" logo with their own drawing of what they most love about the state and submit it online. Submissions can be sent to http://www.iloveny.com or submit@followyourheartny.com. Submissions will be displayed in an online gallery.
This is the first time in nearly 40 years, since the logo’s inception, that New York State has officially asked the public for their interpretations of the "I Love NY" and for the reasons they love New York.
Advertisements will encourage viewers to visit www.iloveny.com to plan their summer vacations to New York State. Select drawings may be used to replace the heart in "I Love NY" in new ads focused on New York’s many different experiences in future campaigns.
The campaign will be supported with a strong public relations and digital program to drive trade and consumer awareness. Digital elements include "I Love NY" Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages.
The ads, focusing on summer tourism destinations, will air for seven weeks and are targeted to tourists within a five to six hour driving range which includes the following markets: Albany-Schenectady-Troy, Binghamton, Buffalo, Elmira, New York, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica, Watertown, Burlington-Plattsburgh, Cleveland, Hartford-New Haven, Philadelphia, Toronto, and Montreal.
The advertisements will run throughout the day on both network and premium channels during early morning and primetime, including during shows such as Today, Good Morning America, and on channels like ESPN, the Travel Channel and the Food Network.
In addition to digital and television media, NYC Taxi TV will carry the advertisements in more than 6,000 cabs approximately four times per hour during weekdays.
The new "I Love NY" ads are part of a $5 million tourism marketing campaign within the larger “New York Open for Business,” a $50 million statewide business initiative. The "I Love NY" ad campaign is expected to expand to feature other tourism seasons in the future.
The "I Love NY" launch follows a recent report from Tourism Economics stating that direct spending by tourists in New York State in 2011 was $53.8 billion, an 8.1 percent increase from 2010 and a new high direct spending figure for the state that also generated $6.9 billion in state and local taxes. This represents back to back 8 plus percent growth in annual statewide tourism, which has helped New York State tourism to return to pre-recession levels. There has been a 3.8% increase in tourism industry employment to 482,231, and in some parts of New York, particularly rural communities like in the Adirondacks and the Catskills, tourism generates up to 16 percent of all local jobs.
Among states, New York ranks third in size of tourism economies behind California and Florida. New York faces increased marketing budget competition from other states: Florida ($90M), California ($50M), and Michigan ($25.4M).
Provided by Cuomo's office