Author, Educator Whose Book was Basis
for 'Dangerous Minds' to Speak at SBU

The program, free and open to the public, is sponsored by the university’s Clare College, School of Education, the Visiting Scholars Committee, and the Council for Exceptional Children.
Johnson is a former U.S. Navy journalist, Marine Corps officer and high school teacher. She is the author of 10 books, including the international bestseller “Dangerous Minds,” the award-winning young adult novel “Muchacho,” and “Teaching Outside the Box: How to Grab Your Students by Their Brains.”

Johnson has 22 years of teaching experience, including remedial reading, at-risk and AP high school English literature and grammar, adult developmental reading and writing, English as a second language, and effective teaching seminars for education majors.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s in teaching English, and a doctorate in educational leadership. She is an assistant professor of teacher education at Santa Fe Community College, where she teaches and mentors new teachers.
Johnson answers email from teachers, provides links to resources for teachers and parents, and publishes a monthly blog about education on her website,