Destinations-Bradford Hosting Programs

The free shared clothing closet is scheduled on both Saturday, September 8th from 9am to 12 noon and Wednesday, September 26th from 1-3pm. Gently used and new clothing is available for all ages and sexes and genders and is available to individuals and their personal household.
Veggie Gardening will be held on Wednesday, September 12th at 1pm at the Destinations-Bradford office and taught by Jim Machuga. No matter what size your farm, from patio to acres, this class helps newcomers to gardening learn the basics of composting, planting, maintenance and harvesting. Gardening can aide with healthy food choices, promote physical and social activity and help persons and families cut food expenses.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People will be held on Wednesday, August 19th at 1pm in the Destinations office. Being effective is learning to do 'that which produces the desired result'. If you want to be successful or achieve some large goal, then being effective is consistently doing the things that will bring about the results you are after. A walkthrough of Stephen Covey’s best selling book is presented by Jim Machuga.
Classes have limited seating. Reservations are required. Please contact Destinations-Bradford to reserve your seat.