KCH Hosting Ladies Night Out

There is no cost to participate. And bring your girl friends, grandmothers, aunts, mothers, daughters and sisters! Join us on the Ground and Second Floors of Kane Community Hospital for an evening of fun and learning about women's health issues. Please enter the hospital through the Main Lobby Entrance around back," Elder noted.
"October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we hope you'll schedule your October mammogram at the event. Free Incentive tickets are provided participants throughout the event for healthy choices to be used in our Chinese Auction (last year the Chinese Auction included more than 50 baskets/prizes donated by hospital departments and local businesses) to choose from," stated Elder.
Posters/invites have been distributed around the area and a great night of fabulous food, fun, festivity, free screens and information, spa treatments (paraffin dips, hand massages, fingernail painting, facials, etc., has been planned, along with experts on women's health issues, health information and product vendor tables. The KCH Friends Gift Shop will be open as well, so lots of opportunities to shop."
Several late breaking additions to the festivities (not noted on the fliers) include representatives from KCH partners UPMC Hamot Women's Hospital/UPMC Magee. Also attending will be cardiologist Dr. Hermann and UPMC Hamot will offer free ultrasound screenings for varicose and spider veins. Among the many activities planned are bone density screenings, healthy food sampling, information, prizes and giveaways.
New this year are "Pretty in Pink" Photo opportunities and a special Ladies Night Out Memorial Honor Wall. Those who would like to honor or remember a loved one who fights or fought the courageous battle against breast, ovarian, uterine, cervical cancer or other cancer, we invite you to bring a photo (5x7" or smaller) with a short bio or note for the Wall. Advance submissions can be mailed to KCH, 4372 Route 6, Kane, PA 16735 c/o LNO or dropped off at the lobby .
There will also be a KCH Employee Action Team MUM Fundraiser sale in the Gardens at KCH.
KCH's Ladies Night Out began in 2010 and has grown each year in anticipation of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) and KCH's month-long campaign for annual mammograms. KCH offers digital mammography all year round, but with a bit more hoopla during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The best protection against Breast Cancer is early detection. The event includes information and screens for many health concerns of woman -- from heart disease to osteoporosis and nutrition.
Last year's event was funded in part by an American Cancer Society, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Community Grant. In addition, local businesses donated money for free mammograms for under-insured or uninsured women and provided gifts for a Chinese Auction.
If you have questions call Tina at 837-4781 or e-mail telder@kanehospital.org. "We look forward to seeing you for LNO - 2012 on September 12, 5-8 p.m."
Pictured, the bone density screening venue at last year's Ladies Night Out. KCH's Ann Anderson, RT, doing bone density readings of the foot of former KCH colleague Luanne Larson, while those in line patiently await their screenings. Last year's event was attended by 250 women from the area.
KCH photo