New Procedures for New York Gun Shows

The New York attorney general’s office has reached an agreement with a Chautauqua County gun show operator to implement new procedures at their shows.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced today that Niagara Frontier Collectors, along with NEACA in Saratoga County, agreed to establish procedures that go beyond the requirements of the state’s Gun Show Law, including a process that ensures all guns brought into the shows by private sellers are tagged so, when leaving, the operator can determine if guns were sold and that a proper background check was performed. The agreements follow an undercover investigation by the AG’s office.

During a news conference in Buffalo this morning, Schneiderman said, "Our investigation demonstrated how the 'off the books' sale of guns presents a great risk to public safety. This agreement builds upon our work by holding gun show operators responsible for the purchases made at their events.”

"Gun violence is an epidemic,” Schneiderman continued, “and my office is working with gun show operators to create simple guidelines to ensure that these deadly weapons don't make it into the hands of felons, terrorists, the dangerously mentally ill and others that could not pass a background check. It’s a win-win for public safety and the Constitution."

You can read the news release here

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