Driving in Johnsonburg?
Watch for Pedestrians, Says PennDOT

Starting tomorrow, drivers on Route 219 (Center Street) in Johnsonburg will be reminded to slow down and watch for pedestrians.

PennDOT will place variable message signs along Route 219 urging motorists to adhere to the posted 35 mph speed limit and watch for people crossing the road in the area of Route 4007 (Main Street).

Southbound and northbound traffic on Route 219 will see the lit boards for the next several weeks. The signs will alternate messages including “Pedestrian Crossing Ahead” and “Reduce Speed.”

The signs will remain in place until warmer weather allows Ridgway Township to install signs and a painted crosswalk at the intersection. A Pedestrian Channelizing Device will also be placed at the intersection as a visual reminder of the state’s pedestrian crossing law.

Pennsylvania’s law requires that drivers yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing a roadway within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection where there are no traffic controls or traffic controls are not in operation. Violators of the law are subject to a $50 fine.

Pedestrians can use the following tips to be safe roadway users:

• Wear light-colored, reflective clothing so you can be seen;
• Walk against traffic;
• Make eye contact with motorists before crossing the street;
• Be aware of your surroundings.

Follow PennDOT on Twitter at www.twitter.com/PennDOTNews.

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