Two Fires in Johnsonburg Friday

Charges pending against mother of teen

Seven people were left homeless after a fire in a Johnsonburg apartment building Friday morning.

State Police fire marshal Greg Agosti says the building at 503 Penn Street contained four apartments, but two additional families were also displaced. No one was hurt.

He says the fire started in the kitchen near a gas range in an apartment occupied by Tyler Magnusson and Barb Dilley and two children. The fire was reported at about 11:50 a.m. The cause is still under investigation.

Damage is estimated at $300,000 and the building has been deemed a total loss. The owner is Bradley Hauber of St. Marys.

Earlier in the day in Johnsonburg, fire damaged an apartment at 426 Water Street.

Agosti says a 13-year-old boy was smoking in bed, and careless smoking is the cause of the fire that did minimal damage. An 8-year-old boy suffered minor burns to his hand during the fire, and was treated at Elk Regional Health Center, then released.

Charges are pending against the 13-year-old’s mother, 53-year-old Sandra Hale of Johnsonburg, for providing tobacco to the 13-year-old.

Elk County Office of Emergency Services photo/courtesy of Nella Chirillo

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