No Tax Increase for Bradford

City taxpayers will not see a tax increase, according to the 2014 budget unveiled by Bradford City Council Tuesday night.

Councilman Jim Evans, who oversees accounts and finances, thanked all city employees, especially City Clerk John Peterson, Deputy City Clerk Teri Cannon, Chief Financial Officer Mike Shanks and all the department heads for their work on this budget, and for keeping costs in line for 2013.

Specifically, he thanked them for “continuing to live within our budget, looking for new sources of revenue, making sure we leave no stone unturned” in terms of spending and looking for new revenue sources, and watching spending.

Evans said the city is “in a very enviable position,” noting that while the city is not “flush with money” it is “running in a very sound manner financially.”

After Evans read his letter to the city that declared no property tax increase, Mayor Tom Riel said, “... in the next couple of weeks, as numbers continue to come in, maybe we can lower them a little bit.”

In other matters, Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Ron Orris commended city electrician Dan Tyger for getting the new holiday lights and decorations up and running in time for Friday’s Cruisin’ into Christmas parade.

Tyger is “just a gem of a person,” Orris said. “You’re very lucky to have that young man.”

Orris also thanked DPW and Parks Director Chip Comilla, Police Chief Chris Lucco and the city fire department.

He noted that the “decorated (fire) trucks were the biggest hit of our parade. … It was just a really great night for Bradford.”

On another holiday note, council OK’d free parking in the city’s business districts from today through December 31. The ordinance asks that all merchants and their employees refrain from parking in the spaces that are to be used for shoppers.

You can listen to the meeting by clicking the links below:

Part 1

Part 2

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