Local Emergency Planning Committee Meets

(News Release) SMETHPORT – The McKean County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) met on December 6, 2013 at the County EMA facility.

Representatives from McKean County Emergency Management, Pennsylvania DEP, Zippo, W.R. Case and Sons Cutlery, American Red Cross, American Refining Group, FCI Mckean and Allegheny Bradford Corporation were in attendance.

The LEPC was formed in accordance with PA Act 165 of 1990 and the Federal Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) Title III. The primary roles of the LEPC are preparing plans dealing with the release of Extremely Hazardous Substances from facilities utilize these chemicals, the collection and use of chemical fees from industries to support Hazardous Materials Response needs in the county. Updated plans for Universal Well Services and The McKean Landfill were reviewed and approved. Also, new plans for Baker Petrolite and the CARES-McKean were reviewed and approved. The LEPC was also notified that Superior Well Services has closed their facilities and no longer meet the requirements for a plan. Two new toxic gas meters were demonstrated by EMA Director Bruce Manning, these were purchased with grant funds and LEPC funds.

The two hazardous materials incidents a fuel spill outside of Port Allegany and a crude oil spill on Route 321 in Hamilton Township reviewed by County EMA personnel.

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