Review: I Know Who You Are

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Just because you know a person's name doesn't mean you know the person. That's an underlying theme in "I Know Who You Are" as up-and-coming actress Aimee Sinclair deals with the disappearance of her husband. Is he dead? Did she kill him? Why can't she remember things she supposedly did and said before he disappeared?
The story is told in chapters alternating between the present day where Aimee is just wrapping filming on a movie that's destined to make her a star, and the story of the horrendous and disturbing events that took place when she was a young child.
As the police investigation into Aimee's husband's disappearance goes on it appears someone is either trying to frame her or gaslight her, or both.
I did not see the shocking resolution to the crime coming at all, and I'm usually pretty good and at figuring out whodunnit.
A story like this could not end by being wrapped up in a neat little package with a pretty bow. It wasn't. It left me with a couple of questions I'll be asking every time I see the book on the shelf: How did that turn out? and Did she?
I got a free ARC from Flatiron Books in exchange for an honest review.
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