Review: Someone Knows

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book is an interesting character study about what grief and secrets can do to people.
It starts with Allie Garvey at a funeral for a high school classmate with whom she shared a terrible secret. But, we don't know which classmate it is yet.
The story then moves to 20 years ago and is told in alternating chapters by Allie, her classmates/neighbors, a new kid in town, and some of the adults in their lives. When an horrific event occurs the classmates don't tell anyone, and hope no one is able to connect them to it. But in the years that follow the event touches them all in profound ways and shapes the people they are by the time they get to the grave site.
Allie is also dealing with the death of her sister from cystic fibrosis and her mother's severe depression stemming from that. One of the others in the group is a manipulative narcissist; one is a closeted homosexual; one is a power hungry voyeur.
The final scenes are shocking and breath-taking as we see what one of the characters is willing to do to keep secrets.
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