PENNDOT Elk/McKean County Maintenance has announced work for the week of April 02, 2012 through April 06, 2012. Maintenance work planned by McKean County employees includes: SIGN MAINTENANCE – Various Routes, County wide BRIDGE FLUSHING – Various Routes, County wide SWEEPING STREETS & INTERSECTIONS/WHITE LINES – Kane Area & Various Routes, County wide CONTRACT TREE TRIMMING – SR 3009, Beagle Club CONTRACT BRIDGE DECK REPLACEMENT- 46, Wrights Corners PATCHING- Various Routes, County wide & 0346, Bradford Area CONTRACT BRIDGE REPLACEMENT- Rte 6, Potter County Line BRIDGE WORK- 4004, Dorothy Lane BRIDGE CLEANING- County wide CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PLANNED INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: SR-0006/L10 McKean County (April 02, 2012-April 06, 2012) L. C. Whitford The contractor will be working on SR 0046, Seg / Off 0450/0871, Structure over the North Branch of Cole Creek. They will set up temporary signals, removal of existing bituminous wearing surface, scarification...