Participants in the Center for Rural Health Practice’s Community in Action program logged more than 64 million steps this summer. CIA began in April with 93 participants who recorded the number of steps they walked each week. A ceremony was held today to recognize those with the most steps. Teams with the most steps were: first place, The Guidance Center, with an average of 1,917,298 steps; second place, Turbo Kickers with an average of 1,183,635 steps; and third place, American Refining Group, with an average of 932,702 steps. Individuals with the top number of steps were Donna Good with 1,500,066 steps; Jackie Good with 1,289,522 steps; and Amy McCune with 1,097,459 steps. As a group, participants walked 30,502 miles, enough to have walked to California and back six times. “At a time when the cost of health care reached $2.3 trillion in 2009, and about $40 billion of the cost is attributed to physical inactivity, participants at this co...