In Case You Missed It ...

02/22/08 - Chris Hansen to Speak at UPB Graduation
Chris Hansen
Emmy Award-winning investigative journalist Chris Hansen, best known for his work on NBC’s “To Catch a Predator,” will speak to the graduating class of 2008 at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. Hansen will deliver the keynote address during commencement exercises at 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 27, in the Pitt-Bradford Sport and Fitness Center arena. In 2004, Hansen began his breakthrough investigative reporting on online sexual predators and has exposed more than 250 men who target teenagers over the Internet. He has received two Emmy Awards for his 2004 report on child sex trafficking in Cambodia. His spot news coverage of major events has included the Columbine (Colo.) school shooting in 1999, TWA Flight 800 disaster off the coast of New York in 1996 and the Oklahoma City federal building bombing in the spring of 1995. Hansen and his wife, Mary Joan, live in Connecticut with their two sons.

02/22/08 - KASD Denies Charter School Application
The Kane Area School Board has denied the application from the Mount Jewett Charter School Coalition to open a school in the borough. The next step for the coalition is file an appeal with the state. The coalition is still confident that the school will be open for the next school year.

02/22/08 - Forest Service Tells ANF to Revise Plan
The U.S. Forest Service told Allegheny National Forest to redo parts of its management plan to clarify its authority to manage oil and gas drilling and because the plan does not take into account drilling's effect on air quality. The ANF also did not allow the public to comment on changes concerning oil and gas development that were made between the plan's draft and final versions, according Joel D. Holtrop, reviewing officer for the chief of the Forest Service. Though officials must redo portions affecting oil and natural gas, other aspects of the plan were affirmed. The plan, adopted a year ago, was designed to guide management of the forest for the next 10 to 15 years. Among other things, it called for increased regulation of oil and gas drilling, adding two wilderness areas totaling about 12,000 acres and creating three remote recreation areas. ANF officials say they don't know how long it will take to revise the plan.


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