Dan Surra Has a New Job

Former state representative Dan Surra didn't go very long without a job.

Governor Ed Rendell has made an exception to the hiring freeze he imposed to create a new job for Surra , who started work Monday as a senior adviser for the "Pennsylvania Wilds."

Surra will be paid $95,000 a year — a bump up from the approximately $89,000 Surra would have made had he won a 10th term in the House and kept his leadership position.

Rendell's press secretary says the new position is a wise investment, and Surra's primary responsibility will be to balance the region's tourism with the surging interest in drilling for natural gas.


Anonymous said…
I'm sorry, but that is just ridiculous. I encourage everyone to contact their state officials in protest. What got cut to get Surra his money? Education? Job Creation? Medicaid? I hope he's satisfied with himself. If he has a shred of dignity he'll decline the job. He should know better. Too much time in Harrisburg, obviously.
Anonymous said…
I think maybe Dan Surra has pictures of some one with a farm animal?????????
Anonymous said…
Ole Danny Boy went to Harrisburg on the idea that he would defend us from Government, but he chose not to defend us, but rather join them. He's pretty much re-enforced why he was voted out. I hope he doesn't sleep well after this, but I'm sure he's justified it somehow. He is exactly the reason(eddie too) why we have such a cynicial view of politicians.
Anonymous said…
Dan though not elected will continue to work for the people in this part of the state with his new position. The people did vote not to retain his services as our State Rep. but does this mean he should not have a job? I am sure he could earn more in private sector employment but has made a decision to stay and work for the citizens of PA. What he brings to the job will help PA bring in more revenue and in this time of less federal and state tax dollars income is needed for our state not lost. If the electorate understood how goverment works then the conversation might be more interesting such as what it means to lose someone in a leadership role and what that person can bring to an area that gets ignored, now where will money and jobs go? Philadelphia?
Anonymous said…
The last post must have been written by Surra himself! Ridiculous! This job is not a job at all...it is a position created as a political favor. Surra earn more in the private sector? Doing what? And in the unlikely event that he could, he would have to actually work for it. His current position has no duties what so ever! Many of us are out of work and in need of jobs. This is a blatant abuse of power by Rendell and Surra
Anonymous said…
Every Pennsylvania taxpayer, and particularly those neighbors of our area who voted against Mr. Surra, should be absolutely outraged at Ed Rendell. I have written to Kathy Rapp, Marty Causer, Joe Scarnati, and I highly recommend anyone reading this do the same. It is absolutely incredible!
Anonymous said…
Does "hiring freeze" have a different meaning in Philadelphia/Harrisburg than it has up here in the Pennsylvania Wilds?
Anonymous said…
Dan Surra has stooped to the lowest of the lows. He's to Pennsylvania what Tom Daschel is to national politics. He is now a whore mongering politician and a cog in the democratic machine that has bankrupted this state. Thanks for nothing Danny, you have now become what you used to hate.
Anonymous said…
Danny no escuches las crìticas mal intencionadas, prosigue con tus ideas hasta el fin ......... El pueblo algùn dìa te entenderà, ladran Sancho señal que cabalgamos!!!


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