Video Poker Kingpin Charged Again
A convicted Pittsburgh-area video poker kingpin is facing more charges.
45-year-old John "Duffy" Conley is serving a federal sentence for violating probation, after being convicted of running a multi-million dollar video poker operation.
Conley is now charged with running another gambling organization involving bookmaking and poker machines. He's expected to plead guilty.
Conley spent nine years in prison after his 1995 conviction for running a video poker operation that made $15 million a year. He returned to prison in May 2006 for violating his probation on that conviction by running the sports betting and video poker enterprise detailed in the new charges. He faces up to five more years in prison upon conviction.
So, in five years can he start his business up again and help send kids to state universities?
45-year-old John "Duffy" Conley is serving a federal sentence for violating probation, after being convicted of running a multi-million dollar video poker operation.
Conley is now charged with running another gambling organization involving bookmaking and poker machines. He's expected to plead guilty.
Conley spent nine years in prison after his 1995 conviction for running a video poker operation that made $15 million a year. He returned to prison in May 2006 for violating his probation on that conviction by running the sports betting and video poker enterprise detailed in the new charges. He faces up to five more years in prison upon conviction.
So, in five years can he start his business up again and help send kids to state universities?
Sometimes you're just too funny.