Trekking the Tuna Trails

The Tuna Valley Trail Association hopes to have another trail added to the system by the end of the summer.

Rick Esch of the Trail Association was on Wednesday's LiveLine talking about the South Trail that runs from Owens Way to Lewis Run.

He says the trail will use the abandoned Erie Railroad grade that was "kindly provided by to the Trail Association by Minard Run Oil."

The association received a grant to build the trail and it should go to for bid shortly. They hope to have it finished this summer.

Esch said, complimentary to that will be a trailhead at the Penn Brad Oil Museum on South Avenue.

That project is getting ready to out to bid, he said.

The association hopes the trailhead will be under construction by late summer or early fall.

If you haven't trekked all the trails yet – you can do that and help the local chapter of the Red Cross at the same time.

Trekking the Tuna Trails starts May 15 and runs through August 15. For more information on that, go to or


Marcia L. Neil said…
There should be some awareness that the Erie Railroad can be discontinued because there is a rare mucousal artifact beneath the Smith monument in Degolia. If hikers are going to be routed through the area as a continued effort to destroy what's underneath the roadside-rest, such action will be categorized with purposeful archaeological site destruction throughout the world.

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