Meeting Draws Confused Crowd

Despite the fact that the Bradford Regional Strategy has been in the works for about three years a public meeting on the plan got a bit heated last night.

People seemed to be confused about what the plan is, how facets of it will be funded and why it's necessary.

OECD Executive Director Sara Andrews summed it up.

"These are the type of projects we're trying to do to improve the quality of life here. Just because it's not like the old days should we all just give up and close the door and walk away? If that's the attitude ..."

But she continued, "If you don't have a plan, how can you look forward? How can you look forward to the future if you don't have a plan to improve your community?"

She also stressed that everything in the plan is just a proposal at this point and nothing is set in stone.

Also before Tuesday's city council council, Roberta Sarraf of the master plan team explained the new zoning ordiance that, during the meeting, council approved on first reading.

During the regular council meeting, members authorized the city fire department to submit a grant application for federal stimulus money that would toward building a new fire station.

If the application is approved, the station could be built at the site of the former Third Ward School.

Fire Chief Boo Coder explained that they looked at a number of properties for the new station but the site at the top of Mechanic Street is the only own the city owns that's ready to go, and the grant application has to be in by July 10.

"Our back's against the wall," he said. "This is one chance in all our lifetimes that someone's ever going to say 'Here's a couple million dollars. Build a fire station.'"

Also Tuesday, Deputy Mayor Bob Onuffer read a proclamation honoring the Bradford YMCA Flames Gynmastics Team for their successful season, post season and for sending several girls to nationals.

In case you haven't seen it in our list of links for over a year:
Bradford Regional Strategy

Previous stories about the master plan can be found HERE.


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