Quarantine to Restrict Movement of Ash Trees in Two NY Counties

New York State is implementing a quarantine to prevent the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer, a beetle that destroys ash trees.

The beetle has been found in Randolph, New York. About 30 trees have been damaged so far.

The quarantine restricts the movement of ash trees, ash products and all firewood in Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal Plant Health Inspection Service will issue a parallel quarantine. Currently, federal EAB quarantine areas restricting the interstate movement of regulated articles are in 12 states, including Pennsylvania.

News release from the New York Department of Environmental Conservation


Marcia L. Neil said…
A television commercial ad/notice broadcast from Palm Beach TV stations feature a number of female 'Ashleys' associated with Ashley Furniture Stores in the region. That an influence-network operating in the region has occasioned the recruitment of multiple Ashleys can be equated to some extent with beetle boring activity and the risks of name-use schemes.

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