Pheasants Forever Receives Grant

Story and photo by Jane Bryndel
Pheasants Forever Chapter 630

Aaron Bleggi, Assistant Vice President, Branch Manager of National City, a part of PNC, presents a grant for $5000 to Pheasant Forever North Central PA Chapter 630. Pictured above are Jim Degler (treasurer), Dick Bodenhorn (president), Aaron Bleggi (National City / PNC), Leon Blashock (secretary) and Andy Werneth (vice president.

Aaron Bleggi took it on his own shoulders to represent the best interest of the local Pheasants Forever Chapter. As a member, Aaron understands what can be done when a few dollars are mixed in with some motivated sports men and women with a commitment to making a difference. National City, now a part of PNC, presented a check for $5000 recently to PF officer. All the money collected by Chapter 630 stay in the north central region of Pennsylvania. Safe hunting, conservation and habitat are all major goals for our chapter. These funds will be used for local habitat development and local youth activities. The new local state game lands in Fox Township and the PF Mentored Youth Hunt will both benefit from this grant.

Thank you Aaron and all the folks at PNC for your continued support and for making this grant possible!

To learn more about your local Pheasant Forever activities, visit There is a local Pheasants Forever Chapter 630 meeting on Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 7:00 PM in the Ridgway Capital City fire hall on Front Street. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

It is never too early to start planning for our fall banquet to be held on September 12, 2009. We are looking for donated items for our auctions and prizes. Please contact Jeff Yeager at (814) 772-8624.


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