10:15 PennDOT Flooding Update
Clearfield –The following state roads in north central and south central Pennsylvania are currently closed due to flooding:
Cameron County
Sinnemahoning Bridge on SR 2001 (Quehanna Highway/Wykoff Run Road) near the “Willows”;
Clinton County
SR 4002 (Keating Road/Keating Mountain Road) in East Keating Township from Vincent Road to Bucktail Trail Highway;
SR 1005 (McElhatten Drive/Park Avenue) in Dunstable Township from Woodward Avenue to Big Plum Run Road;
SR 4001 (Kettle Creek Road) at the Bush Dam;
McKean County
SR 155 at the intersection of Main Street in the borough of Port Allegany;
Mifflin County
SR 103 from Wharton Road in Wayne Township to Licking Creek Road in Bratton Township
Potter County
SR 3001 (East Fork Road) in Wharton Township at the intersection of Jordan Run Road;
SR 4017 (Shaytown Road/Oswayo Street/Sunnyside Road) in Sharon Township from Gadsby Hollow Road to Oswayo Street in the village of Shinglehouse;
Cameron County
Sinnemahoning Bridge on SR 2001 (Quehanna Highway/Wykoff Run Road) near the “Willows”;
Clinton County
SR 4002 (Keating Road/Keating Mountain Road) in East Keating Township from Vincent Road to Bucktail Trail Highway;
SR 1005 (McElhatten Drive/Park Avenue) in Dunstable Township from Woodward Avenue to Big Plum Run Road;
SR 4001 (Kettle Creek Road) at the Bush Dam;
McKean County
SR 155 at the intersection of Main Street in the borough of Port Allegany;
Mifflin County
SR 103 from Wharton Road in Wayne Township to Licking Creek Road in Bratton Township
Potter County
SR 3001 (East Fork Road) in Wharton Township at the intersection of Jordan Run Road;
SR 4017 (Shaytown Road/Oswayo Street/Sunnyside Road) in Sharon Township from Gadsby Hollow Road to Oswayo Street in the village of Shinglehouse;