Another Suspicious Person in Bradford

Bradford City Police on Tuesday got another report of a suspicious person – this time on Kiwanis Court. Officers were also called to a fight at Mechanic and West Washington streets, a disturbance on Petrolia Street and motor vehicle accidents on Boylston and West Washington streets and at GGB Elementary School, according to the complaint report and request sheet.


Anonymous said…
There are a ton of suspicious people in Bradford. Why is this newsworthy? Go sit on Congress Street for 20 minutes.
Anne said…
It's the city police log. Plenty of people want to know what kinds of calls they are getting.
Anonymous said…
Okay so you report a "suspicious person" but what makes them suspicious? Were they dressed in all black at night looking into peoples windows or cars? Were they creeping around like they were looking for a buyer for their drugs? What makes them suspicious? Just reporting that the police got a call about a suspicious person is not newsworthy. It's a pathetic attempt at trying to write a story because the people who are so concerned about something as simplistic as calling the police because they see someone new in their neighborhood without providing details as to why, I'm pretty sure they have a police scanner and aren't reading the police reports in the Bradford Era.
Anne said…
Again, I will say this is the POLICE LOG. It's a fax I get from the police department that simply lists where the police are sent.

I assume you are sending these same comments to The Bradford Era, which has reported the "police log" longer than I've been alive.

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