'Souper' Bowl of Caring on Sunday

The youth of the First Presbyterian Church, 54 East Corydon Street, along with several University of Pittsburgh at Bradford students, will be collecting donations from members and friends at the church for the “ Souper “ Bowl of Caring on Sunday.

This program began with a simple prayer a number of years ago reminding those who enjoy the Super Bowl game to be mindful of those without even a bowl of soup to eat.

This prayer inspired a single church in South Carolina to invite other congregations to join in collecting money to be donated to local charities and soup kitchens that provide assistance to those in need. For over two decades, America’s youth has participated in this national program to raise funds for local organizations helping people in need. National efforts are made on the Super Bowl weekend, as well as weeks surrounding it, to make it a large celebration of giving and serving others.

Participating in the program since 2000, the First Presbyterian Church of Bradford has collected slightly over $ 4200.00, along with food items, to date for local charities. The donations from Sunday’s collection will benefit the Meals on Wheels program, coordinated by the Bradford YWCA.

Donations will be collected following the chapel and sanctuary services. Anyone interested in making a donation other than these times, are asked to please contact the Christian Education office at the church.

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