Forest Service Wants Comments on
Special Use Permit Renewal
The proposal falls within Category of Exclusion, 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 220.6(e) (3). It allows for the “Approval, modification, or continuation of minor special uses of National Forest System lands that require less than 5 contiguous acres of land.” It falls within the categories of actions for which a Project Record and a Decision Memo are required. In accordance with the recent court ruling (Sequoia Forest Keeper v. Tidwell, 11-vc-00679-LJO-DLB (E.D. Cal.)), the Forest Service provides public notice (scoping), comment, and an opportunity for administrative appeal of the proposal and decision. Individuals or organizations wishing to be eligible to appeal must meet the information requirements of 36 CFR 215.6.
Submit written comments to Macario J. Herrera, District Ranger, Bradford Ranger District, 29 Forest Service Dr., Bradford, PA 16701 or by facsimile (814) 362-2761. Submit hand-delivered comments to the Bradford Ranger Station, business hours are between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Submit oral comments to the Bradford Ranger Station during normal business hours via telephone (814) 363-6086. Submit electronic comments to using one of the following formats: e-mail message, plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), Word (.doc), or any software supported by Microsoft applications. Comments, including names and addresses of those who comment, will be considered part of the public record and will be available for public inspection. Comments submitted anonymously will be accepted and considered. Comments should be submitted or postmarked no later than February 22, 2013.
The proposed decision and associated maps contain the project details. Both are provided on the ANF website at
. For additional information, contact Ava Turnquist, Natural Resource Specialist, at (814) 363-6086.