Council Awards Ice Rink Contract

Bradford City Council on Tuesday awarded the $1.8 million contract for renovations to the Callahan Park ice rink to Kessel Construction.

Councilman Brad Mangel said he is glad the contract went to a local company.

The project will paid for with $500,000 in grant money and through the refinancing of a general obligation bond, which council also approved last night. City Clerk John Peterson explained that $1.8 million for the renovation was included in this year’s city budget.

Listen to the entire meeting here.

The news leader of the Twin Tiers ... since 1947


Anonymous said…
Maybe one of these years could we include paving the roads in the city taxes...glad 90% of people in this town don't use the ice rink but we have to pay to fix it..let's fix the roads because I'm tired of having to look like I'm a drunk driver so I don't fall into a hole.
Anne said…
The money from the bond will also go toward road resurfacing projects.
Anonymous said…
Thank god. I see these guys trying to fill holes with blacktop in 20 degree weather and it sticks for 2 days then the holes back. Seriously some of these holes will break your car. My aunt came up from Georgia and just parked her car on e main street and laughed trying to figure out how to get around all of the holes. I'm suprised more people don't get bent rims or flat tires.

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