Scarnati Working With DCNR on
Future of Denton Hill State Park
“Denton Hill State Park is a tremendous asset to our area, providing outstanding recreational opportunities to local residents and visitors to our region. Operation of the park has long been a collaboration between the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and a local concessionaire through a Concession Lease Agreement.
“Unfortunately, the concessionaire has announced that Ski Denton is not financially able to open for the 2014-2015 ski season. I have been engaged in conversations with DCNR to determine opportunities moving forward that will provide for growth and promote year-round visitation at Denton Hill State Park.
“DCNR has recently agreed to conduct a feasibility study of ski operations and all-season operation of concessions at Denton Hill State Park. The park is an important part of our community and I will continue to work with DCNR to do all that we can to keep it open.”