City Eyes Property Tax Increase
Before the first reading of the budget ordinance during Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Mayor Tom Riel said 2014 was a rough year.
“We’ve had no tax increase for three years and I wish that could go on for a fourth year in a row,” he said. “It’s not looking like that at this point. “
He said that last week they were looking at a 4.76 mil increase, but they’ve whittled that down to 3.71 mils. But, he added, “at some point you can’t shave any more meat off the bone.”
“It’s not a pretty picture,” he said.
Riel said among the major items impacting the budget are an increase in health insurance costs as well as pension and contract obligations. Also, once every 11 years there’s a 27th pay day. That comes next year.
The final reading of the budget ordinance is at the end of next month.