Smith Cited for Flying Flags

Business owner Mike Smith is in trouble for flying U.S. flags outside his store.

A citation filed earlier in the week accuses Smith of violating Bradford's sign ordinance because his flags flap into the street.

Smith, a Vietnam War veteran, has displayed the two U.S. flags, a Prisoner of War flag and a Missing in Action flag outside his business for eight years. He says he displays the flags for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and in memory of those who don't return.

Bradford Mayor Tom Riel says the problem is not with the flags. He says the concern is that they flap into a traffic lane.

The case will be argued before District Judge Dom Cercone on Aug. 11.


Anonymous said…
I personally think that this is ridiculious. Mikes flags haven't bothered anyone for years. Now suddenly they are? This is America isn't it. We drive by Mike's business daily and his flags are not obstructing our view
Bunker said…
This is where Pennsylvania went from a good conservative God fearing state to a liberal one. Now if anyone is jelous about something, they can make someone else pay for it. My guess is that some non-vet may have been on a self guilt trip, and decided to lodge a complaint that started the ball rolling. I am sure that those cloth flags on the sidewalk arent impeding on pedestrian traffic in any way.

I was born and raised in Kane, Pa. and years ago, this never would have been an issue! I served my country and retired from the US Navy, so I as well as so many other veterans truely know what the American Flag and POW/MIA flag stands for. Not only is it the symbol of the family and friends that we lost, but of the ultimate sacrifices paid, so these silly people can have the freedom to harass a storeowner about his flags.

I currently live a place that is even more liberal, just down the road from Berkeley California. Even Code Pink learned their lesson in messing with the troops/vets because we have all served for their freedom, and will absolutely stand in unison to that cause, no matter where in the world or what liberal place.

If anyone has contact with "Mike", let him know this Kane boy thanks him for his service, and am a Road Captain for American Legion Riders and the Patriot Guard. If he needs anything or support, he may easily contact me via my website at and I will muster up what he needs. "For God and Country!"

Bill "Bunker" Roller
Anonymous said…
This is a sure sign that we Americans havehas gone crazy and I wonder if he was flying a Muslim flag if it would bother anybody.

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