Aktion Club in Action Saturday

Bradford Aktion Club member Henry Keller shows where he’s scraped paint off a wooden racecar in Hanley Park Saturday, while Kiwanian Paula Vecellio, Aktion Club advisor, wields a broom to prepare the car for painting.
(Photo by Kimberly Marcott Weinberg

Members of two Kiwanis family clubs scraped and painted half of the wooden equipment in Hanley Park Saturday.

Joining the Kiwanis Club of Bradford in working on the project was the newly formed Aktion Club, a Kiwanis family service club for adults living with disabilities. Chip Comilla of the City of Bradford Parks and Recreation Department was on hand with supplies and helped direct volunteers. Kiwanian Michelle McCann worked with Comilla to organize the event.

It was the Aktion Club’s first service project.

“I loved it,” said Aktion Club president Mike Walter. “It went very well. Our members got a taste of what it’s like to be out in the community.”

The two clubs will return to the park Sept. 20 to finish the painting work.

In addition to the work day, the Kiwanis Club also purchased new wood chips for the park. Money for the wood chips came from proceeds of last year’s Kiwanis Kapers as well as a grant from the American Refining Group.

The Aktion Club is being jointly sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Bradford, Bradford Area High School Key Club and Evergreen Elm Inc. with financial support from Dallas-Morris Drilling Inc. and American Refining Group.

For more information on the Aktion Club, contact Kiwanis Aktion Club advisor Paula Vecellio.


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