Shop Vac Fined for Waste Violations

WILLIAMSPORT – The Department of Environmental Protection today fined Shop Vac Corp. $6,300 for hazardous waste violations discovered in May at its Williamsport plant.
“DEP staff observed a number of used fluorescent lamps that were stored and labeled improperly, which is a violation,” said Northcentral Regional Director Robert Yowell. “Used fluorescent lamps are classified as a universal hazardous waste because they contain mercury. Federal and state hazardous waste regulations are in place to ensure these items are properly stored and labeled so they don’t present a danger to employees or the public.”

DEP routinely inspects facilities inspections where universal hazardous wastes are stored. Such materials can also include some types of batteries, pesticides, mercury-containing devices and various lamps.

Shop Vac officials corrected all of the violations during the inspection and paid the fine to the Solid Waste Abatement Fund, which is used to help pay for cleanup activities across the state.

DEP cited the company for the same offense in 2003.


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