Statements of Senate Leaders

From senators Joe Scarnati and Dominic Pileggi:

Jim Rhoades was a remarkable man, and a true friend. It is impossible to properly express how much we will miss him personally, and how much the Senate of Pennsylvania will miss his presence.

Jim was a one-of-a-kind senator. His down-to-earth approach to solving problems reflected his roots in Schuylkill County. His experience as a teacher and coach at Pottsville and Mahanoy City High Schools, and as the principal of Mahanoy Area Junior High School, permeated every decision he made as a senator.

As the chairman of the Senate Education Committee, Jim was a statewide leader on education issues. He was a part of every major education initiative in recent history. Senator Rhoades’ legacy includes the Pennsylvania Safe Schools Act, the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletics Accountability Act, and the Head Start Supplemental Assistance Program.

Jim’s hard work extended to other areas, as well. With his booming voice, he always spoke forcefully while fighting for his constituents. This session, he successfully pushed for an expansion of PACE and PACENET benefits. He was a leader on many issues impacting the economy and the lives of working Pennsylvanians.

Without Senator Rhoades, there will be a large void in the Senate of Pennsylvania. We extend our deep sympathy to Jim’s family and friends.

From Senator Bob Mellow:

“Our heartfelt prayers and deepest sympathies go out to the Rhoades family and all of Jim’s friends today as they deal with his untimely death. Jim was a strong leader and a fighter who had a deep and passionate love for his family and his community.

“As Senator, Jim enjoyed dear friendships and boundless respect of colleagues on both sides of the aisle. Jim could go from sharing a good story about football in the coal region to offering his extensive knowledge on education and energy. His range of experience and wisdom was a resource that benefited all Senators.

“As a recognized leader in public education, Jim’s work has had a tremendous positive impact on all Pennsylvania. From bringing education opportunity to those communities hurt by economic dislocation to fighting for real changes that help all children learn, he has been involved in every significant improvement in education for generations.

“To many in the Senate, Jim Rhoades was more than a colleague; he was a dear friend. He led by example and offered his very best effort in service to his district and all of Pennsylvania. While Jim and I sometimes disagreed on certain issues, he was never disagreeable.

“Senator Jim Rhoades was a person who was held in the highest regard. He will be greatly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this very difficult time.”


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