Two Charged in Finucan Murder

Two Marienville teens have been charged in connection with the murder of a 50 year-old Sigel man in his residence back in August. State Police say that 18 year-old Raymond Lambert and 17 year-old Stephen Hall allegedly shot and killed Timothy Finucan at his home August 20th in Elk County. Police haven’t said whether a burglary occurred during the homicide. The two are being held in the Elk County Jail without bail.


Anonymous said…
it can never be replaced what those
monsters did ,all because they wanted the mans firearms and the medication tim needed to get by on a daily basis and to take that from him those mes need to be locked into a hard-core prison for the remainder of their lives.
Reguardless the
Anonymous said…
you dont know both sides of the story so perhaps you should educate yourself before speaking. MY best friend RJ was addicted to heroine, Finucan was a DRUG DEALER, Rj went there because yes he did was his fentanyl and yes some guns, he did not go there to kill the man obviously, Timothy Finucan came out of his house with a fully loaded .357 Colt Python in his hand. He was perfectly within his rights to possess this weapon but to a kid like RJ... I would be scared to, and when he fired the weapon he had abandoned all attempts at robbery and was just trying to escape with his life. Finucan was also an addict so he was not above Rj he was on the same level, and he is not a bad person because he was on drugs, hes a good kid and i know him better than most. so shut your mouth
Anonymous said…
tim finucan was not a drug dealer ive known him for many years and your way out of line to come on here and post something like that, this "rj" had no reason for killing him , and i hope rj spends the rest of his junkie life in prison and has a great time with his new boyfriend that he is soon to meet, rj deserves the same as he did to tim but unfortunatley this country does not allow that, rj is not a good kid he is a murderer
Anonymous said…
I myself have purchased drugs from finucan so you didnt know him as well as you think. Rj is a better man than u could even think of being. I'm not even gonna listen to you runnin your mouth anymore you have no idea what your talking about so just shut up. RJ is still my best friend and what you say just doesnt matter, as do u
Anonymous said…
Tim was a good life long friend of mine.All of u usless punks and drug addicts need to wake up and Get A JOB!!! Hope bastards rot in hell!!! Tim was the type of guy that would give the shirt off of his back!
Linda Honus said…
Timmy was a good man and reguardless of selling drugs or not. No one should be shoot down in their front yard. Timmy has family members and just like me I am sure they miss him. Life can not be replaced, so please say a prayer for his family and quit trying to drag his name through the mud.
Anonymous said…
Tim was my family and a friend. Any piece of shit that says he was on the same level as that kid is a waste of life just like “rj”(aka scumbag junkie). I not only lived with Tim for some time right before this happened, but was there to visit and help him out all the time. So I know your a F&@$ING liar. He had a horrible pain problem and was treated by a dr with medication. Not copping dope off the streets like you losers. You’ll never know what them boys took from us that night. I’m glad he gets to rot in prison with his big cell mate and pay for his crimes in the most vile ways instead of the easy way out. And the fact that Tim had his gun on him was common knowledge to anyone who knows him as you claim to. Bullshit. I hope you end up right where he is. Scumbag!! He was just trying to help someone in need he thought but wasn’t stupid. Anyone would have had their gun on them. The fact that them boys brought a gun suggests they knew that he would have one and decided they would kill him anyway.

RIP Timmy we love and miss you
Casey Finucan said…
Tim was my uncle and I lived there the whole summer before this happened. Even though this is far back in my past of tragedies the fact that some worthless waste of air would actually say that my Uncle Timmy was a drug dealer and had it coming because he answered his door in the middle of the night with his gun like he always did just like anyone in that area does makes me pissed off enough that I would gladly meet you anywhere in town scumbag and show you what a Finucan without his back turned trying to help a kid in need would actually do to you. If your coward dick dumpster friend didn’t hide behind the camp like a little bitch he would have been scraped out of my uncles driveway like roadkill and know one would have cared because real people know the difference between a sick Fuck and a kind loving person trying to Watch his own back in the middle of the night. In case you still don’t realize it that piece of shit sociopath was gonna kill him from behind like a coward no matter what so he could steal his stuff. God damn lucky none of Tim’s brothers or sisters or nephews were there. We would have fed His balls to his asshole!!! Worthless waste of life for sticking up for a cold blooded sneaky (shoot you in the back) coward. I really wish you could meet me one day and look me in the eye and tell me the lies you told everyone else. Just so I could see your face smash against the gravel when I knock you out. But at least you will wake up again. In case you missed it I’m Timmys nephew. I still come out there so how about you come by the camp some day and ask for Casey. I’d love to show you how much that waste still makes us want to eat his heart. But knocking your teeth out would feel nice anyway
Unknown said…
You are such a waste of space. Who defends a cold blooded coward who shoots a man in the back! Twice! Yea I’m Tim’s nephew and I wish I had just 5 minutes face to face with you since I’ll never get it with the scumbag who killed him. But I’m sure your a coward like you boyfriend so you wouldn’t have the balls to come anywhere near My camp while I’m there. That’s why you posted anonymously you pussy! Our family is still broken over what happened to him just trying to help a kid in need. And the comment about him selling drugs is bullshit for a fact because I lived with him that while summer. Not everyone is as stupid as you so how about you go fuck your coward boyfriend in the face and kill yourself after!!!
Unknown said…
Anonymous? Really.? Man the fuck up if you want to talk shit about someone you know nothing about

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