Young's Statement on NY Budget

Gov. David Paterson and legislative leaders failed to reach any agreement this afternoon on cutting $2 billion from the current state budget after an hour-long, often heated meeting at the state Capitol.

State Senator Cathy Young released this statement:

“It’s disappointing that the Governor wouldn’t send us a bill, when the Senate was prepared to vote in Extraordinary Session.

“There is no question that we need to make cuts, but they have to be done in a rational, responsible and comprehensive manner.”

“A major problem with the Governor's proposal is that he shifts state costs onto the backs of local property taxpayers, when their backs already are breaking.”

“Hurting kids by cutting schools midyear, and hurting patient care by slashing hospitals and nursing homes already facing deficits are not solutions – it is a disaster.”

“We in the Senate have offered, and will continue to offer, alternative solutions that address the short term and long term needs of our State.”

“We are asking the Governor to lead by working with us on a comprehensive plan that covers the next 16 months. It makes much more sense to look at the whole picture rather than pieces.”

Lawmakers and Paterson agreed to wait until Paterson releases his 2009-10 budget on Dec. 16 to consider any cuts to the current fiscal year, which runs until March 31.


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