Rick Trietley is Named
Vice Provost for Student Life

ST. BONAVENTURE, N.Y., Feb. 12, 2009 — Rick Trietley’s job title just got a little shorter; the interim tag no longer applies.

Trietley accepted an offer Wednesday to become vice provost for Student Life at St. Bonaventure University, just three months after agreeing to fill the job on an interim basis when Stephen Pugliese stepped down. Trietley was also serving as director of Campus Safety and Security, a position that will now be filled on an interim basis by Joe Becker, assistant director of Campus Safety and Security.

The Office of Student Life includes residence life; housing; the Center for Activities, Recreation and Leadership; Counseling Center; Damietta Center; Campus Safety and Security; and Health Services.

“To add someone of Rick’s caliber and integrity to our administration is a windfall for this university,” said Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F., university president. “He’s clearly demonstrated in his short time as interim vice provost the capacity to lead and inspire people.”

A 1986 St. Bonaventure graduate, Trietley finished a 22-year career with the Army in May when he stepped down as the head of St. Bonaventure’s ROTC program to become director of security at SBU.

“Rick’s presentations during the interview process highlighted not only his devotion to the SBU community, but also the transferability of his experiences in the Army, where he was responsible for the social, intellectual, and leadership development of young cadets and officer-trainees for more than two decades,” said Dr. Michael Fischer, provost and vice president for academic affairs. “He is also committed to continuing professional development in the field of student life.”

Trietley, who was professor of military science at SBU from 2003 to May 2008 and a lieutenant colonel in the Army, is “honored that I was chosen. It was an easy decision to accept,” he said.

“St. Bonaventure is truly about people — students, faculty, staff, friars, and administrators all working together to create a unique and special environment for learning and discovery. I hope I can contribute to that atmosphere in every way possible,” Trietley said.

Trietley was among 19 people honored in March 2008 by the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU) when he was named to the Alumni Hall of Distinction. The honor recognizes New York’s Independent Sector graduates who make contributions to society through their careers and community involvement.

During his time as a U.S. Army infantry officer, Trietley was a leader in organizations as large as 3,200 people both during peacetime and the global war on terror. He managed resources in excess of $5 million. He planned and organized complex, multinational operations of great sensitivity under challenging conditions with strategic national security implications.

After receiving his bachelor of science in education at SBU, Trietley entered the U.S. Army. He was twice selected for Who’s Who of American College Professors. Trietley has also been honored with military awards, including the Combat Infantryman’s Badge for service in Afghanistan and the Bronze Star.

He received his master’s in education from Webster University in 1998.

A 1982 Olean High School graduate, Trietley lives in Allegany with his wife, Michelle, and sons Ricky, 17, and Kyle, 15. Michelle earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees at SBU.


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