Three Deer Poaching Cases


JERSEY SHORE, Lycoming County – Pennsylvania Game Commission officials today announced that 12 individuals recently were found guilty or pled guilty to illegally killing or possessing eight deer in Elk County. The charges were heard by District Judge George A. King, of Johnsonburg, Elk County.

On Dec. 9, the investigation began when Elk County Wildlife Conservation Officer (WCO) Richard Bodenhorn encountered two hunters from New England hiding in the woods with two untagged antlerless deer. The hunters also did not have valid antlerless license for these deer.

An investigation led to a camp in Hallton, Elk County, where 10 other hunters were discovered with three more illegal deer at the camp, and, ultimately, three additional illegal deer in a walk-in cooler in Ridgway. Evidence and admissions indicate that all of the deer had been killed in Elk County in Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) 2F, by various members of the hunting party while none of them had valid antlerless deer licenses for that WMU. Two of the dead deer were adult bucks with the antlers broken off.

Philip R. Poirier II, of East Corinth, Vermont, and Shaun J. O’Keefe, of Lyme, New Hampshire, were both found guilty of three counts and ordered to pay fines and cost of $1,272. Philip R. Poirier Sr. and David A. Boyce, both of Wells River, Vermont, and David A. Poisson, of Claremont, New Hampshire, were each found guilty of two counts and ordered to pay fines and cost of $962. Five other men were all found guilty of one count and ordered to pay fines and costs of $452. These men are: Richard H. Johnson, of Ridgway, Pennsylvania; Mark I. Smith, of White River Junction, Vermont; Andrew C. Carter, of West Lebanon, New Hampshire; Michael P. Friend, of Claremont, New Hampshire; and Zachary R. Kosakowski, of South Ryegate, Vermont.

One man, David H. Chase of Claremont, New Hampshire, previously pled guilty to one count and paid a fine and costs of $352. A 16-year-old juvenile, of East Corinth, Vermont, was found not guilty in the court proceedings.

Each of those convicted, or having pled guilty, also face revocation of their Pennsylvania hunting and trapping privileges.

WCO Bodenhorn was assisted by Cameron County WCO Wayne Hunt, Jefferson County WCO Roger Hartless, Clarion/Jefferson Counties Land Management Group Supervisor George Miller, and Elk County Deputy WCOs Ron Beeler and Andy Brigger.


An investigation that began by looking into a concerned citizen’s complaint about illegal baiting resulted in three Massachusetts residents being charged for two illegally killed antlerless deer in Elk County, according to Pennsylvania Game Commission officials.

Elk County WCO Doty McDowell, on Oct. 7, was investigating a baited tree-stand in Jones Township, when he encountered two individuals who were staying at a local camp with others from Massachusetts.

“While it soon became clear that these two had no part in the baiting, neither had identification on them, as required by law, so we proceeded back to camp so they could obtain their identification,” WCO McDowell said. “On the way back, one of the men offhandedly mentioned a deer that had been killed and was at camp. When I began to ask about the deer, the individual who first mentioned it refused to provide more specific information.

“Upon arriving at camp, both provided identification and the two claimed they had nothing to do with the deer that had been taken. However, they told me it was in the shed and that it was taken by another in their party.”

At this point, WCO McDowell obtained description of the vehicle that the other individual was in, and contacted neighboring Elk County WCO Dick Bodenhorn and asked him to patrol the area to look for vehicle.

In a short time, WCO Bodenhorn found the vehicle, and escorted its occupants back to the camp. As the vehicle approached the camp, WCO McDowell noticed that the truck drove past the camp and parked in the dark. As the investigation continued, Kaleb Ryan Severance, 25, of Worchester, Massachusetts, admitted he shot an antlerless deer, and then the landowner signed a consent to search the shed.

“Upon searching the shed, we found the head and hide of the deer,” WCO McDowell said. “The individuals then went into camp and removed meat from freezer and surrendered it to us.

“Another defendant, Michael Christopher Siemaszko, 24, of Millbury, admitted to illegally possessing an antlerless deer that was in the bed of the truck, which had previously been hidden in the woods.

Both deer were seized, and WCO Bodenhorn donated them to needy families in the Ridgway area.

On Oct. 15, WCO McDowell filed charged in the office of District Judge Tony King, of Johnsonburg, Elk County, against the three for unlawfully taking or possessing of wildlife: Kaleb Severance was charged for the first deer in shed, Michael Siemaszko was charged for second deer in truck; and Robert Joseph Siemaszko, 51, of Worcester, was charged for transporting Kaleb Severance’s illegally killed deer.

Kaleb Siemaszkos pled guilty on Oct. 22, and Robert Siemaszkos pled guilty on Oct. 23, and both were ordered to pay fines of $300 each, plus court costs. The case against Severance remains open at this time.

Facts from the Pennsylvania Game Commission: Since Pennsylvania is not part of the Wildlife Violator Compact, each of these nonresidents will be able to continue to lawfully hunt in other states. If Pennsylvania were part of the Wildlife Violator Compact, which would take an act of the General Assembly, these convictions would be reported to the other 31 states, as of January, enrolled in the Compact, and they would be prohibited from hunting in those states as well for their poaching activities here.


Two York County residents recently pled guilty to illegally killing four deer and one wild turkey in Clearfield County, according to Pennsylvania Game Commission officials.

Jeffrey Alan Smith, 48, of Hanover, and Keith Eugene Myers, 45, of York, pled guilty before District Judge Michael Rudella, of Kylerstown, to four counts each of illegally killing or possessing deer and one count each of illegally killing or possessing a wild turkey. Judge Rudella sentenced each to pay fines of $1,300 ($300 for each deer and $100 for the turkey).

Smith and Myers also face having their hunting and furtaking privileges revoked.

According to Game Commission Wildlife Conservation Officer David Stewart, of Clearfield County, on Oct. 21, he and Deputy WCO Terry Sheetz witnessed Myers exit his camp and move across a field in Girard Towship. Myers was not wearing any orange, but was carrying a rifle.

“We saw Myers enter an adjacent field and, minutes later, two shots rang out in rapid succession,” WCO Stewart said. “Deputy WCO Sheetz and I made our way toward the location of the gunshots and, from inside the treeline, observed Myers and Smith go into the camp to retrieve a flashlight, and then proceed back into the field to where two deer were laying.

“As the two defendants began dragging the untagged deer back to the camp, Deputy WCO Sheetz and I stopped them.”

During the investigation, the defendants produced two additional skinned and partially butchered deer that were in a refrigerator at camp, along with parts of a freshly-killed wild turkey. The defendants admitted that they had killed these two deer and turkey the previous day, Oct. 20. Turkey season was closed on Oct. 20. Also, Oct. 20 and 21 were part of the overlap for archery and muzzleloader deer seasons, during which the use of a rifle is not permitted.

Facts from the Pennsylvania Game Commission: On March 18, the House Game and Fisheries Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill 97, which would increase penalties for a variety of poaching-related offenses. HB 97 is sponsored by Rep. Ed Staback (D-60), who chairs the House Game and Fisheries Committee.


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