Causer: House GOP Budget Plan Fair, Responsible and Affordable

balanced budget proposal unveiled Friday by House Republicans is just what the people of Pennsylvania need during these challenging economic times, Rep. Martin Causer (R-Turtlepoint) said today.

"Governor Ed Rendell has been saying we can't do a no-tax budget. House Democrats have been threatening Armageddon if we balance the budget by cutting spending," Causer said. "All along, House Republicans have been saying we can craft a budget that funds essential government services without increasing taxes.

"The budget unveiled today proves it can be done."

The $27.27 billion plan increases funding for school districts statewide by. It provides essential funding for public safety needs and ensures vulnerable residents receive the support they need. It also funds state parks, hospitals and universities.

"This budget recognizes the economic realities we face. It forces government to live within its means, just like Pennsylvania families must," Causer said. "And just like family budget cuts are painful at times, so are some of the cuts in this budget. But the bottom line is this: Pennsylvanians cannot afford higher taxes. Making cuts is the ONLY way to balance our budget."

Causer expressed frustration with House Democrats, who are in the majority and run the House session schedule. After taking the master roll call on Thursday, July 9, Democrat leaders announced delay after delay after delay in the day's voting schedule and eventually went home without voting on a single piece of legislation. They also canceled voting sessions for July 10, 11 and 12.

"It defies logic to send lawmakers home when we are 10 days into July, 10 days past the mandated June 30 deadline and days away from potential disruptions of government services and payless paydays for state employees," Causer said. "It is both irresponsible and disrespectful to the people we are elected to represent."

Causer said he is optimistic that House Democrats won't bring the governor's 16 percent income tax hike up for a vote because they lack support for it in their own caucus, and Republicans in the House and Senate won't vote for it.

"The governor still wants higher taxes to fund all of his pet programs, but taxpayers across the state are so strongly opposed to sending more of their hard-earned money to state government, he might just have to make do with what he has," he said.

To keep up the pressure against higher taxes, Causer urged people to continue voicing their opposition to the governor's plan at


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