MJ Coalition Has New Member

The Mt. Jewett Charter Coalition held its monthly Board of Trustees meeting on Wednesday, July 8, 2009. One topic of discussion was a letter of resignation by founding Board member Doug Keller. Mr. Keller cited work and personal reasons in recent months that make it difficult for him to devote the attention needed to continue to serve on the Board. He stated that he is still in support of the project and the proposed September opening of a Charter public school in Mt. Jewett. Mr. Keller felt it was unfair to other Board members that he continue to hold a Board position and not be able to give it his full attention.

The remaining Board members regretfully voted to accept Mr. Keller's resignation and expressed their heartfelt appreciation for his effort. It was noted that Mr. Keller was one of the catalysts that started the Coalition movement over 2 1/2 years ago. For several months after its inception, the Board held weekly meetings in the Keller home in Mt. Jewett before establishing their current office location on Main St.

In further action, a nomination to replace Mr. Keller was received and unanimously approved. James (Jim) McCormack of Anderson St. Mt. Jewett was selected to fill the vacancy created by the Keller resignation. Outgoing member Keller also gave his endorsement to the McCormack choice for his replacement.

Mr. McCormack has been a volunteer and avid supporter of the organization. His active support, attendance and participation in the effort to bring an elementary school back to Mt. Jewett were some of the reasons given for his appointment to the Board.

Voting members present at the meeting were: President Skye Ognen, Melissa Swanson, Tina Rumcik, Tony DeSio and Charles Paar.

It was noted that this is the first transition in leadership to the organization. The Board expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the support it has received from the community and willingness of the people to to serve and assist in this endeavor.


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