Scarnati Responds to Special
Interest Group 'Misinformation'

WARREN — Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati (R-Jefferson) responded today to misinformation being disseminated by various special interest groups, most of them from outside the 25th Senatorial District.

“It disturbs me to no end when groups use misleading, inaccurate, and insulting information in a smear campaign against me,” Scarnati stated. “I have stated time and time again, many of these groups from outside of our area do not want a Senate leader from rural Pennsylvania.”

Scarnati mentioned one particular ad that would lead you to believe he supports giving tax dollars to the much maligned group, ACORN, which is obviously INACCURATE. It goes on to speak about how he supported a budget that increased spending and increased taxes on working families, which is obviously INACCURATE.

“It is outrageous the lengths that these groups will go to highlight their agenda, whatever that may be,” Scarnati added. “In fact, this budget does not have a personal income tax increase, does not have a sales tax increase, and it spends less than last year’s budget (something that has not been done in recent history).

“I am in disbelief, but I am confident that the citizens of the 25th Senatorial District will not buy into the misinformation of outside special interest groups,” Scarnati concluded. “Furthermore, I would expect many of the taxpayers to express to these various entities their outrage over being misled.”

From Senator Scarnati's office


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