Benefit for Area Youth Minister

Chris Abrams is a Limestone resident who volunteers his time with several youth minstries in Bradford. He has served as a volunteer with First Nazarene church's Club Naz, Open Arms Community church's Revolution and Youth for Christ's Campus Life ministries. Chris also spends times with students at Grace Lutheran Church's Community Life Center on a daily basis and has been involved in service trips to Guatemala.

Chris plans to attend Elim Bible Institute in Lima, NY in 2010 in order to further his credentials for working with young people.

A benefit show is planned both to thank Chris for his work in the community and raise funds for his schooling.

"A lot of time, we put on benefit shows for people when something really terrible has happened. We're excited to put this on to help someone do something good!" says Larry Petry, Director of Youth for Christ of the Bradford Area.

The concert will take place Saturday, December 19th at Grace Lutheran's Community Life Center (79 Mechanic Street-behind Country Fair).

The show starts at 6pm and features three local acts: Josh Hatcher (acoustic folk-rock), Who Breaks Darkness (a hardcore band) and Panic Attack (a hip-hop duo).

There will be a small admission charge, with concessions for sale and door prizes for the audience.

For more information about this event, please contact Larry Petry with Youth for Christ, or the Grace Lutheran Community Life Center.


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