Chautauqua County Offering Free
Computer Training to Seniors

Fredonia, NY -- The Chautauqua County Office for the Aging has announced their office is offering tutorial computer training lessons free of charge to all interested senior citizens (55+ years of age) throughout Chautauqua County. These lessons are funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) through Senior Services of America, Inc.’s Digital Inclusion Program.

Chautauqua County Executive Gregory J. Edwards said the purpose of the Digital Inclusion Program is to bring seniors up to date with current technology.

"The tutorial sessions will teach the seniors basic computer skills using the 'Generations-On-Line' registered software program," Edwards said. "This software was specifically designed to be used by seniors."

The skills include mouse mastery, keyboarding, e-mailing, internet navigation, web searching, and link usage.

Each participant will complete the tutorial sessions at their own pace, utilizing the computer for approximately one hour per session, per week, to be completed in approximately four weeks. A Peer Coach, working in the Senior Aide Employment Program, will be available for training assistance at the site.

Recent statistics indicate that the fastest rising population for computer interest and training is the sixty plus age group. There already is an enthusiastic response from seniors in the community to take this particular training.

Currently, the computer lab at the Fredonia-Pomfret Grape Belt Senior Center at 32 Moore Avenue, Fredonia is open for registration and training sessions. Interested seniors should call Betty Crowell, Coach Coordinator, at (716) 224-0822, to register. The program has initially been scheduled to run now through June, 2010.

The Cattaraugus One Stop Center has also begun to offer classes, and sessions will be available at the Prendergast Library in Jamestown beginning in January, 2010.

Pictured, Back Row: Greg Edwards, Chautauqua County Executive; Linda Spaulding, Coordinator for the Senior Aide Program and Project Director; Jeanine Smith, Fredonia-Pomfret Grape Belt Senior Center Director; Betty Crowell, Digital Inclusion Coordinator; Mary Ann Spanos, Office for the Aging Director. Front Row: Nancy Jager, Computer Trainer; class participants.

(Photo courtesy of Edwards' office)


GEEKgirl said…
Great Blog! i like the idea of folks helping the Senior Citizens, i’m hoping there are more blogs, newsletters, ezines, websites, and reports out there.

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