Scarnati Re-elected to Top Post

State Senator Joe Scarnati (R-Jefferson) was sworn in to serve his fourth year as Senate President Pro Tempore during ceremonies held today at the State Capitol. Scarnati was unanimously elected to the post by his Senate colleagues and sworn in by Commonwealth Court Judge Johnny J. Butler.

As President Pro Tempore, Scarnati will be responsible for appointing the chairpersons and members of the standing committees of the Senate. Scarnati will preside over the Senate during session as well as play a significant role in negotiations with the Administration and House of Representatives.

Scarnati will also continue to serve as Pennsylvania's Lieutenant Governor. He will fill out the remainder of the late Lieutenant Governor Catherine Baker Knoll's term, which ends January 18, 2011. Pennsylvania's Constitution requires him to hold both, Lieutenant Governor and President Pro Tempore, positions simultaneously.

"Looking forward, we have many challenges and issues ahead of us in 2010," Scarnati said. "But if we continue to work in the bipartisan manner, I believe we can look at the end of 2010 and be proud of the results."

(Photo provided by Senate Republican Communications)


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