Raising Awareness About 'Blight Bill'

Senator David Argall (R-29) holds a news conference on efforts to educate the public and local elected officials about the state's new anti-blight law. He is joined by Elizabeth Hersh of the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania, Minersville Borough Infrastructure Manager Joe Bass, Gary Bender of the Schuylkill County Demolition Program and Jeff Feeser of Schuylkill Community Action.

Senate Bill 900, known as the Neighborhood Blight Revitalization and Reclamation Act, clarifies the identity of property owners and holds them responsible for the municipal costs to secure, remediate or demolish blighted structures. Municipalities may institute an action to prevent, restrain, correct or abate property code violations.

For more information go here: http://1490newsblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/blight-bill-becomes-law.html

Photo provided by Senate Republican Communications


Anonymous said…
Will Bradford's MOST Famous Landlord FINALLY Go To JAIL? LOL! $3000 in CASH!?! ROTFL!!!!!!!!! A HAND PRINTED SIGN ON HER STOREFRONT WINDOW OFFERS A $500 REWARD for the Return of her Purse!?!?!? [with the money?]

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