Woman Headed to State Prison

A former Bradford woman who escaped from the Warren County Jail in November has been sentenced to time in state prison.

39-year-old Doreather Skaggs left the prison grounds during her cleaning detail. She was found later that day at the Glade Kwik-Fill and returned to the prison.

She was originally jailed after pleading guilty to a theft charge. In July, she took a Clarendon man's car and $200. The car was found in Bradford.

The 21 to 42 month state prison sentence will be served concurrently with the theft sentence.


Marcia L. Neil said…
This represents a now-significant media-reported behavior pattern that begins with telephone demand-call, "Do you want to go to prison?", beginning usually in early childhood (the respondent stepped on someone's lawn or some other usual alleged trespassing); the influence-network then arranges entrapments for those who won't immediately prepare to work on-call or be employed in the correctional facilities.
Crime Fighter said…
Is "Marcia L. Neil" a joke? can't be serious about this. Stolen property is a crime, regardless of who it is. Get a Real life!
Marcia L. Neil said…
Real crime-fighting is not a joke -- 'truth-in-advertising' laws have not yet been enforced within the entertainment industry, and the performers/their families have become the chief victims -- rather than investigation of the recording-industry's use of 'freedom of the press' and promoters' failure to give 'tia' keywords.

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