Corbett Tours GE Transportation in Erie

Erie – Governor Tom Corbett today toured GE Transportation, Erie County’s largest employer, where he discussed his commitment to working with Pennsylvania’s businesses to ensure future growth and job creation.

GE Transportation (GET), headquartered in Erie, provides manufacturing services for the railroad, marine, drilling, mining and energy storage industries.

“I am committed to fostering the pro-growth, pro-business environment that will ensure GE Transportation’s continued economic contribution to this region,” said Corbett. “When government works as an ally to businesses instead of working against them, we all succeed. Today, I am standing in a plant that is a great example of that success.”

GET employs nearly 6,200 employees in northwestern Pennsylvania with manufacturing facilities in Erie and Grove City. A 2010 study by Tripp Umbach found that these operations have an annual economic impact of $2.7 billion on Erie County, $3.6 billion on Northwestern Pennsylvania and $4.6 billion on the state of Pennsylvania.

“When I was elected governor, I committed to putting Pennsylvania back on track. To honor that commitment, I have focused on policies that allow business to stay and grow in our state; bringing with them jobs that Pennsylvanians need now,” said Corbett.

“GE Transportation’s success here in the region supports, directly or indirectly, one out of every 11 jobs in Erie county. The impact is undeniable, and one the commonwealth is proud to support,” Corbett added.

Provided by Commonwealth Media Services


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