Frustration at Foster Township Meeting

Anger and frustration freely flowed into and infiltrated last night’s Foster Township supervisors meeting, when the better part of two hours was taken up by a variety of sewer line-related issues.

Even before supervisors introduced a motion to appoint a township engineer, residents – who packed the meeting room in the municipal building – brought up issues concerning hook-up fees to the new sewer line.

But the discussion really heated up after supervisor chairman Jim Connelly Jr. made a motion to appoint The EADS Group as township engineer. He read quotes for the sewer line project from EADS ($684,000), Hill Engineering ($576,000) and E&M Engineers ($320,000).

For months residents have been asking the supervisors to take action against E&M for a mistake that cost the township a PENNVEST loan for the project. But, last night, they were not happy about paying twice as much money to another engineering firm.

Connelly said if E&M hadn’t made the mistake they wouldn’t even be having the conversation about appointing another engineering firm.

“I’d be voting for E&M in a heartbeat,” he said, “but when the project went out to bid they left out a paragraph. It cost us over $200,000.”

“I understand all that,” said resident Bob Baker, “I just don’t like the fact that the alternate choice is twice as much money. That’s not sitting well with me.”

Baker also pointed out that earlier in the meeting supervisors talked about Tuna Valley municipalities consolidating some sewer-related expenses to save money.

Supervisor John Sullivan said he doesn’t want to waste the taxpayers’ money, adding, “There’s no guarantee that engineering firm Two and Three aren’t going to make any other mistakes as well.”

Resident Mike Dennis said it’s an issue of accountability, and no one held E&M accountable.

“You guys want to kick (E&M) in the butt by spending $363,000? Ain’t no way I’m voting for that,” Dennis said. “And I don’t think anyone who has an ounce of common sense in this room is going to let you do that.”

“I’m asking you to rescind your motion and do what Jim (O’Mara) suggested and give yourselves a couple more weeks and really think this thing through,” Dennis said. “Blowing $363,000 of the taxpayers’ money to kick E&M in the butt is not the way to do it.”

He added that whichever engineering firm is appointed has to be held accountable.

“That’s what happened with E&M. Somebody was asleep at the switch,” Dennis said, adding that he would never vote to pay more for another firm. “I would vote for E&M and put my thumb on them and hold them accountable for that $317,000. I would never give EADS $363,000 more. You’re crazy to even think about it.”

Baker added that, now, E&M is less likely to make another mistake.

Supervisors did table the matter. Township secretary Shannon Morgan pointed out that even if the township appointed EADS as its engineering firm, supervisors could hire another firm for the sewer project.

Sullivan noted that the clock is ticking, however, on getting the sewer line project finished. They have 23 months to get into compliance with the Act 537 plan or they face fines and sanctions from the Department of Environmental Protection.

He said virtually no progress has been made on the plan since a wetlands delineation issue from Corwins Corners to Rew came up four years ago.

As for the cost of the hook-up fees, Sullivan said he is working with the county redevelopment authority to see if there is some way to provide relief to residents and entities such as the First Wesleyan Church.

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