Members of Pitt-Bradford Writing Faculty
to Read from Works in Studio Theater

Members of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford’s writing faculty will give a lunchtime reading Feb. 23 in the Studio Theater in Blaisdell Hall.

The reading, which will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:50 p.m., will feature Judy Hopkins, Dr. Nancy McCabe, Carol Newman, Helen Ruggieri and Dani Weber.

Hopkins teaches news writing at Pitt-Bradford and has published poetry in California Quarterly and Timber Creek Review. In the 1990s, she co-wrote with writer Dennis Hensley and recorded a light piece for BBC Radio based on Hensley’s book “Screening Party,” to which she also contributed.

McCabe, who is director of the writing program, is currently on a national radio tour to promote her third book, “Crossing the Blue Willow Bridge: A Journey to My Daughter’s Birthplace in China.” She is the author of two other books, “Meeting Sophie: A Memoir of Adoption” and “After the Flashlight Man: A Memoir of Awakening.”

Newman, who teaches beginning poetry and fiction, writes poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction. She received an honorable mention in the Chautauqua Poetry Contest at the Chautauqua Institution in 2010.

Ruggieri is retired from teaching a variety of writing courses at Pitt-Bradford. Her new book, which is her fourth, is “Butterflies Under a Japanese Moon,” which her publisher has nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.

Weber, who teaches technical writing and is director of the Writing Center at Pitt-Bradford, has dabbled in various genres, from children’s literature to historical romance. She has published creative nonfiction and been a member of various writing and critique groups for nearly 20 years.

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