Causer, Scarnati Bills Up for Consideration

The state House returns to Harrisburg next week and, on Wednesday, the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will take up Representative Marty Causer’s bill that would require the Environmental Quality Board to establish procedures to remove flood-related hazards by people owning adjacent property, or municipalities where the flood-related hazards are located.

The bill has statewide and bipartisan support.

Tuesday, the House State Government Committee will consider Senator Joe Scarnati’s bill that would prohibit the enactment of any law that requires person buy health insurance coverage, and prohibits the imposition of any fines or penalties on a person who doesn’t buy it.

The bill passed the Senate in March after a lengthy debate – part of which centered on whether it was proper to call the federal health care act “Obamacare.”

On the same day Scarnati’s bill passed the Senate, the US Supreme Court concluded a marathon debate on healthcare issues, one of which is whether people can be mandated to buy health insurance.

The justices are expected to announce their decision next month.

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