Corbett Comments on SCOTUS Ruling

Harrisburg – Governor Tom Corbett today said he was disappointed in the U.S.Supreme Court ruling upholding the federal healthcare law, known as Obamacare, but said he will work hard to limit the law’s negative impact on Pennsylvanians.

Corbett, when he was attorney general, joined a dozen other states in challenging the federal healthcare reform law. When he became governor, Corbett continued that court challenge, along with 26 other states.

“It appears that the Supreme Court agreed with the lawsuit brought by myself and 12 other Attorneys General finding Obamacare unconstitutional under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, however they did uphold the law under Congress’ taxing authority,’’ Corbett said.

“Despite the President’s repeated assertions that this was not a tax, the Supreme Court today ruled that it is in fact a tax,’’ Corbett said. “Not only is it a tax, but it may turn out to be one of the largest tax increases in the history of our nation. It is a tax on our citizens that they cannot afford. It is a tax that hits our small businesses the hardest and will kill job growth.

“This law will raise healthcare costs for our families, our employers and our state,’’ Corbett said. “This is a burden to all of us who work every day to recover from the recession."

“While I am disappointed with this ruling, respect for the law and for the process of the law -- even when we disagree -- is part of our democracy. My administration will do all we can to ensure the negative impact of this law affects the lives of Pennsylvanians as little as possible,’’ Corbett said.

The law requires individuals who are not covered by an employer or government insurance plan to maintain minimal health insurance coverage. It also increases national medical spending and expands Medicaid to unsustainable levels.

“I think we can all agree there are Pennsylvanians who need our help. However, expanding government bureaucracy, government programs and government spending is not the answer. As governor I will work to ensure Pennsylvanians have access to affordable and quality healthcare,’’ Corbett said.

“That is why now more than ever we need change in Washington,’’ Corbett said. “We need to elect lawmakers who will put the needs of our families first, leaders that respect our freedoms, respect free enterprise and respect competition.’’

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