Kinzua Bridge State Park
Discover History Day Saturday

Explore Kinzua Bridge State Park and learn about history! There will be representatives to talk to visitors about different aspects of local area history beginning at 11 am.

This year’s feature presentation (beginning at 1 pm) will be songwriter, historian and Pennsylvania logger Van Wagner. Van Wagner has developed a program celebrating the past and present of the Pennsylvania timber industry. Wagner is a native of the Danville. He worked for Daniel Logging in Idaho as well as on many independent logging projects in Pennsylvania. His songs have been performed all over the world and have been featured in several film productions.

This program reviews the past, present and future of Pennsylvania's Timber heritage. This program covers how timber was harvested over the past several centuries and most importantly WHO harvested it. Wagner demonstrates dozens of tools spanning 200 years of logging history. The program also focuses on the rafting days when millions of board feet of Pennsylvania Timber were assembled into various styles of rafts and piloted down our streams and rivers. Wagner was part of a group who built and piloted a 105 foot timber raft down a section of the North Branch of the Susquehanna River. It was the first time a raft traveled that portion of water in a century.

A little bit of music, a little bit of laughter, and lot of culture make this unique educational program a reminder of why we should be proud to be from the Timber Country of Pennsylvania.

The news leader of the Twin Tiers ...
since 1947


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