Cayuga Lake Has New Website

Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway announces the launch of its new website, ,an excellent resource that connects you with local area businesses and beautiful scenic venues surrounding Cayuga Lake.  on its home page starts you out on a journey emphasizing numerous great reasons to visit the area, geo-cacheing, wineries, bird watching and natural wonders.

"Geo-cacheing along the scenic byway is our newest venture", says Cathy Millspaugh the chair of the Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway. " A modern-day treasure hunt. We are just a few months into the program and have had numerous visitors take part and experience what this beautiful area has to offer. The byway is divided into two regions with 10 caches on each side of the lake. If a visitor finds at least 15 caches they will receive one of our commemorative 10 year anniversary coins".

Dave Kellar, one of the first to collect a coin shared, "I completed the Cayuga Lake Scenic Byway trail with a couple of other Geocachers from Rochester, NY by getting all 20 punches. We had a really great time doing it. We all said that we were going to come back in the warmer season and do more Geocaching in the area and enjoy more of the sites that Cayuga Lake has to offer".

The website offers...

The Lake: a concise history of Cayuga Lake highlighting our natural and cultural sites
Byway Map: a locator map including food, wine, and hospitality businesses
Featured Stops: showcasing a few of our many attractions
Byway Fun: all about our geo-cacheing program
Links to Events listings
Links to places to eat and stay
A beautiful array of gallery shots

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